Product Name: Car Robot
Product Code: Car Robot 1 & 2
Availability: Yes

Product Description:

Car Robot ( Chassis and Frame Repairing System)

Why POHLEH insist on using CAR ROBOT?

Because after an accident, it is crucial to carry out the wheel and chassis alignment by using CAR ROBOT to ensure your vehicle’s wheels and chassis are straight and restored to its pre-accident dimensions.

The collision repair system provides equipment that helps us to repair the most damaged vehicles, which affect mainly the chassis, frame, axle, and structural. The system also provides collision repair facilities with an easy way to upgrade/expand the method according to the growing needs of repair volumes, staff, and productivity because of the importance of fast and accurate repairs. 

The Car Robot collision repair machine can handle all passenger cars, SUVs, vans, four by 4 (4×4) vehicles, and commercial vehicles. The Star/Star block fasteners used to mount cars without pinch welds.  

The system includes the standard Car Robot straightening bed with quick sill clamps for quick vehicle mounting. Additionally, it uses the already familiar straightening tower, which gives speed and working comfort to straightening. 

Car Robot can be made longer by using telescope structure extension beams, which provide a great structure to the straightening bench. This method allows the bench to work correctly in very demanding straightening work, such as changing or straightening the entire roof or frame structures.